We all experience storms in our lives—storms that are unexpected, damaging, out of our control, costly. As we recently watched the fury...
"What in the World Drives My Actions?"
Whenever we counsel, we are always looking for the “drivers” that are causing problems in our behavior and in our relationships. As we...
"I Don't Think I Have Toxic Shame... or Do I?"
When we counsel individuals and couples, we look for the "drivers"--those things that are underneath the behaviors that cause the...
"Childhood Wounds Matter" and "Guilt vs Shame"
Here are two new 1-4 minute video clips taken from a seminar we conducted in Sanibel, Florida on The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself....
"Listen Now: Four Radio Broadcasts by Luis Palau from Our Book, "The Missing Commandment&q
As we shared in our most recent blog post, we are very honored and humbled that excerpts from our book, The Missing Commandment: Love...
"Video Clips Now Available from 'The Missing Commandment' Seminar"
We are excited to announce the release of the 1st of 35 short video clips that address various topics from our book, The Missing...
What It Takes to be Fully Engaged: Part 1
Everyone who wants to be fully engaged with God, self, and others, needs to ask themselves the following three questions: 1) Do I...
What It Takes to be Fully Engaged: Part 2
We Resist Embracing God’s Love for Us It is not possible to do a good job of keeping the Greatest Commandment, however, if we don’t...
"Loving Me Just for Me"
When we “love God because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19), it enables us to fulfill the greatest commandment—to “love the Lord with all...