"Loving God, Loving Myself, Week Eleven Day One, Loving God, Show Me the Truth About Myself"
Loving God, show me the truth about myself, no matter how wonderful it may be. —Cecil Murphey Let’s read the above quote again, and this...
"Loving God Loving Myself" Week Nine, Day Three "Pull Over or Keep On Driving"
Draw me, however unwilling, to make me willing; draw me, slow-footed, to make me run. —St. Bernard I (Jerry) know myself well enough by...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Eight, Day Three -- That's Not What It Means"
The secret killer of innovation is shame. You can’t measure it, but it is there. Every time someone holds back on a new idea, fails to...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Seven, Day Four -- Piece By Piece"
God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Six, Day Four -- Is There A Door Number Three?"
Our todays are shaped by our yesterdays. What is past may also be a prison— a prison of recurring painful patterns of thinking, feeling...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Five, Day One -- That's A Wound"
If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for others. —Brennan...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Four, Day Four -- He Knows Our Smell"
When my two-year-old son wanted his mom or dad to carry him, he would hold out his hands saying, “Upple, Momma, upple. Upple, Dadda,...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Three, Day One -- You're Just Like Your Father"
You teach what you know, But you impart who you are. -—Jack Frost Jesus came to point us to the Father. If you have seen Jesus, you have...
"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Two, Day Three -- Assumptions"
We are created by love, to live in love, for the sake of love. —Gerald May An assumption is a “no-brainer,” a supposition assumed to be...