"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Seven, Day Four -- Piece By Piece"
God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Six, Day Four -- Is There A Door Number Three?"
Our todays are shaped by our yesterdays. What is past may also be a prison— a prison of recurring painful patterns of thinking, feeling...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Five, Day One -- That's A Wound"
If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for others. —Brennan...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Four, Day Four -- He Knows Our Smell"
When my two-year-old son wanted his mom or dad to carry him, he would hold out his hands saying, “Upple, Momma, upple. Upple, Dadda,...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Three, Day One -- You're Just Like Your Father"
You teach what you know, But you impart who you are. -—Jack Frost Jesus came to point us to the Father. If you have seen Jesus, you have...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Two, Day Three -- Assumptions"
We are created by love, to live in love, for the sake of love. —Gerald May An assumption is a “no-brainer,” a supposition assumed to be...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week One, Day Two -- Can You Love Yourself Too Much?"
Christianity does not come in order to develop the heroic virtues in the individual, but rather to remove self-centeredness and establish...

"'Loving God, Loving Myself' Week One Introduction -- Love What God Loves"
There is nothing more important in either the Old or New Testaments of the Bible, in terms of what God asks of us, than to love him and...

Sharing with you our Writings from "Loving God, Loving Myself"
Dear Friends, Many of you may be familiar with our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself--How Loving Yourself the Way God Does Can...