“Closing of Online Store . . . Super Sale of All Resources"
We have decided to close our online store and direct to Amazon or other online bookstores all future purchases of our resources. Because...

“My Default Mechanisms . . . It's Just the Way I Am! . . Or NOT!”
When working with individuals and couples in the past, we often found ourselves referring to his or her “default mechanism(s).” What...

"35 Seminar Video Clips Now Available"
We have received requests for access to all of our seminar video clips on The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself that we have been...

"A Prayer to Our Heavenly Father"
[ A Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Helene: Before we share this final post in our seminar video clip series with A Prayer to Our...

"How Would I Feel If My Child Grew Up Exactly the Way I Did?"
We are convinced that true, spiritual healing ultimately will result in "coming home to the Father's house" - to his loving and healing...

"Why I Sometimes Feel So Fragmented"
We are never finished being made into God's likeness. We are imperfect children in need of a Father who will never abandon us, shame us,...

"Because of You"
This is a very powerful teaching that should not be missed. We asked a client who had been abused as a child to personalize the lyrics...

"Am I Trusting In Me or You?"
Jerry and I normally pray God’s armor of defense and protection around us every day (see Eph. 6:10-17). Now here is where it may get...

"Do You Do This?"
Our walls of protection that we learned growing up place our trust in our own power rather than in God to be our defense, our protection,...